~ Extremely detailed sets
~ High tech props and animatronics functioning perfectly
~ scare attempts from all angles
~ What are dozens of slip on half masks doing in a haunt like this? We want to see awesome makeups!
~ Actors throughout were non enthusiastic.
~ No scare delivery by actors affected scare factor.
As we enter the property of the legendary 13th floor we are greeted by creepy line actors to keep guests on edge before they enter the haunt. Unfortunately this is where the good acting ended. As we journey through the old farm house sets are breathtaking and extremely detailed but no real theme was established. Although I've always liked the creativity and realism throughout the house it is straight out of a horror movie. As you wait in a short queue for the elevator to head to the 13th floor there is lots to look at and patrons truly feel as if they are in a remote location.
Finally, we begin our journey to the 13th floor. The elevator attendant was a great actor and though he had a few rules to establish he did so creatively! Once you're inside there is an astonishing amount of scenery to take in, every square inch is covered in detail. Alligators, giant monsters tearing apart a human like a rag doll, and plenty of creepy crawlies milling about looking for their next victim. A true megaplex for high tech animatronics and effects provides great entertainment, but minimal actors to back them up and play off these masterpieces. The "zombie hunters" seemed like they just seeking a paycheck and were not haunted house actors. With top notch actors and detailed makeup and costumes on more actors this haunt would be unstoppable!
First Impression | 18 |
Scare Factor | 16 |
Length | 19 |
SPFX/ Scenes | 20 |
Actors | 13 |
Overall | 86% |
13TH Floor